A little more on Day One…

Looking back, I remember how I exhausted I felt trying to make each Christmas more wonderful than the previous one. It was quite a juggling act to accomplish all that I thought I needed to do!  I would mark several things off my “to do” list, and then add more than I just marked off!  When what meant the most to some of my family, was as simple as going Christmas caroling with friends, or watching Christmas movies with a cup of hot chocolate in their hands.  I didn’t know, because I did not think to ask!  How much easier and enjoyable our Christmas season could have been.  I never – ever – thought about what I really liked to do either.   I just – did it all – as quickly as I could – and then crashed by the time Christmas Eve rolled in.

Less really can be best – especially when you are participating in what your family members really enjoy doing!  I hope this week is one that holds discovery and confirmation on what you want to participate in this Christmas season.   If you are willing please share some of your family’s favorites in a comment below here on day one.

Here are some suggestions to have family members rate: decorating, baking cookies, buying/making gifts for others, watching Christmas movies (or going to the movies as a family), Christmas caroling, giving gifts to less fortunate friend or family, writing a family Christmas letter, viewing Christmas lights, ice skating…


12 Days to a LESS Stressed Christmas – Day Two


12 Days to a LESS Stressed Christmas – Day One