Be refreshed and revived!

At first, you hear it as you continue along the hot, dusty trail, and anticipation grows as you begin to feel the air cool. We are fortunate to enjoy many gorgeous hiking trails leading to waterfalls in North Carolina, where I live. It doesn't matter how often I see a waterfall; the first glimpse always takes my breath away. I welcome the cool refreshing mist on my face and arms. Just like hiking can leave you feeling hot and dusty and the need to be refreshed, life can leave you feeling like it too. I am thankful God's wonderful and perfect promises revive us. Join me today and let His Word refresh and restore your thirsty soul.

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.  Psalm 19:7 

photo: Ken Stovesand/Bridal Veil Falls Little River, NC


Don’t miss it!


Joy comes in the morning!