A Few Things I Have Learned While Living in my Garage

It really doesn’t matter what people think!                                                                        

I can’t tell you how much time I have wasted on worrying about what other people think. When I shift my focus back to what I sense God is telling me to do, instead of others I am on the right path!  I am not talking about wise counsel from others – that is something that is always welcome. There is true freedom when I can tell others “I live in a garage” and not be embarrassed about it!

Be thankful for what you have…                                                                                             

Another shift in my focus – from what I do not have – to what I do have.  Contentment is a gift and a natural result from this shift in focus.  The basics of life often go unnoticed and unappreciated too.  I know God is smiling when I thank Him for the food I have to prepare for my family, the shelter over my head (especially when it is raining) and the hot water in my shower!  In thanking the Lord for my basic needs that are met on a daily basis, when others may go without – brings me to my knees and causes my heart to well up with humble gratitude!

Less is best!                                                                                                                                     

While living with less (of my stuff around) I have come to realize that I really don’t need everything I thought I did.  Don’t get me wrong I enjoy nice things – just less of them. Being forced to choose what I really like best and want to use daily has given me a sense of freedom.  Using everything I have also makes me feel like I am being a good steward.

Let others in on your adventure…                                                                                                                                    

Being builders we are often living in temporary digs.  And with that comes the temptation to pull back from having people in our home – waiting until we are in our new house etc.  One day a very long time ago when I was in one of these temporary living situations and having these tempting thoughts about taking a rest from hospitality, I felt the Lord speak clearly to my heart.  He gently reminded me that I did not know what tomorrow might bring, and that we may never move into that new home we were building. To be truthful I did not like to think about that.  As my heart began to open back up – so did the door of our rickety little house on 9th street in Huntington Beach, California.  Over the period of time that we lived there we had more people over to share a meal, and even live with us than we had previously experienced! I am so thankful that we did not miss out on the fun times we had making all of those memories!

I don’t know where you are presently living – I would like to encourage you to enjoy it!


A Quick Reminder


Because “Home Matters”