Keep the attitude of gratitude going…

Our favorite holiday is going to be enjoyed very soon! It is a time when our family reflects on Gods goodness.   There is nothing better than hearing from each one around our table, as they share what they are thankful for.  Isn’t it amazing how quickly everything shifts – from being thankful for what we “have” – to making note of everything we “want” as Christmas lists are compiled and poured over? Could it be that we actually actually encourage this shift in focus as we seem to ask everyone we talk to, “What do you want for Christmas”?

The Lord has been encouraging me for several years to continue my attitude of gratitude throughout the entire Christmas season, even when that is not the norm.  Keeping my focus on the real reason for this wonderful season brings such peace and joy that making a long list of what I want could never do!

There is no guarantee that you will even receive those “things” on your list, but there is something that we are guaranteed.  When we keep Jesus Christ at the center of our thoughts we will enjoy His peace, His love and His joy!  Beware this will be put to the test when you feel you ought to give up your coveted parking space to a weary shopper.  I know this from personal experience!   Now instead of trying to reason why I don’t have time to do that – I just (try very hard) to do it!  When I do honor and prefer someone else above myself it is amazing that I get done what I have to do so much faster, and with a song in my heart!  God created us to be kind – just like He is.  So enjoy His incredible kindness this Thanksgiving and right through the Christmas season, as it leaks all over everything you say and do!


12 Days to a LESS Stressed Christmas (Copy)


Finally a fresh approach to creating a home environment that suits you best…