I didn’t know!

I didn’t know! Going to a conference, and offering my newly released book for purchase – that was the plan. I am very thankful for the wonderful women that I met. And for everyone that I was able to encourage with my book – if you are one of them – I am praying for you!
But true to His nature, God had so much more planned for my week end…The speaker Harriet Mouer encouraged us to: allow our Father God to embrace us as Abba Father- our heavenly daddy, establish rhythms in our lives that are healthy – such as consistent – periods of rest after work, and to dream big!

As my car made an exit from the beautiful mountains of Tennessee, my heart was full of excitement, peace and a whole lot of joy. My traveling companions and book selling helpers – Anj and Cara joined me in meaningful conversation all the way home as we pondered these unexpected treasures God had given to each of us. I am in great anticipation as I “walk out” the “next step” in each of these areas of challenge…


Be still and know that I am God – Psalm 46:10


Where is “that smell” coming from?