Be still and know that I am God – Psalm 46:10

I can still hear my mother say, “Susan – please sit still”-  being still has never been natural for me, but I do see the benefit!

For me to “be still” has to do with slowing my mind/thoughts down from whirling at breakneck speed!  When I breathe deeply (literally) inhaling Gods peace and exhaling all that is whirling around in my thoughts and emotions I begin to feel myself becoming still. My spirit fills with Gods peace.  As I gain a better perspective of what is really going on – it is usually not bad as I thought! And during those times when it really is bad, forcing myself to be still reminds me that God is above everything else!

NASB – translates the verse this way: “Cease from striving and know that I am God.”

The Message – “Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving  look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.”

I would like to challenge you to share what you have to do to become still?  There is no right or wrong answer and most comments will be unique to the individual – but I am sure we all will share common ground, that this is not an easy thing to do!




I didn’t know!