
Lunch at a delightful tea house in Gatlinburg, Tennessee had many surprises in store for me, my daughter Anj and daughter in-law Cara, and this little guy was one of them.  Our waitress had to point him out to us as he hung anchored to the umbrella at our table! Unfortunately we would not enjoy viewing his complete transformation, but we knew what would happen.

Perhaps the reason  God created the metamorphosis that these creatures  go through is to help us understand the transformation we can expect as believers in Jesus Christ.  From the first stage as a caterpillar and then eventually into a beautiful butterfly is quite remarkable.   If you are like me – you don’t always feel like a butterfly – maybe more like the worm.  Take heart –  just as we looked at that cocoon we knew that a beautiful butterfly would eventually emerge, God sees the beauty and the transformation that is taking place in your life and mine. This insect gains strength through his struggle and transformation is talking place. He leaves his cocoon behind and is ready to fly!  Much like we leave our old life behind to embrace the new;  are you ready to fly?

Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun 2 Corinthians 5:17


Finally a fresh approach to creating a home environment that suits you best…


Be still and know that I am God – Psalm 46:10